Ridwan holds a medical degree from Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia a Master degree of Public Health and Humanitarian Assistance from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool. Since he finished his medical doctor training, he decided to work in remote places in Indonesia. In December 2004, when the tsunami disaster struck the northern tip of Sumatera island, Ridwan led hundreds of independence volunteers to response to the disaster. After six months working serving the tsunami survivors, Ridwan established a not-for profit organization to continue the work and his dream helping others in need. IBU Foundation was established in June 2005 and reformed in 2011, with missions to promote volunteerism and empower woman and children in the area of health, nutrition and early childhood development in remote/rural areas of Indonesia. IBU Foundation continuously recruits and trains volunteers to response to disasters and implement various program in increasing access to quality health, nutrition and early childhood development in the country. To support the works in IBU Foundation, Ridwan also established various business units under management of a social enterprise, named Rumah Solusi since 2011. Currently Rumah Solusi, initiated some business such as Volunteer Coffee Shop, Charity Shop and Consulting Firm. Ridwan continuously led the organization to become self sustain organization to carry out its missions.